Somewhere, way back when, I said I was looking for someone who is, “Capable of calling my bluffs and willing to do so… sometimes.”
I had no idea how actually incredibly accurate that stated desire was.
I need that from a woman.
I need a partner.
I need your insight/opinion/wisdom/perspective… even if it might sting for a minute.

By nature, I seek growth.
I pursue more.
That quest has never let me down.
But often, my testosterone-based brain cells only get me so far.
I’m wise to their ploy.
I know I need the other half of me.
That would be you.

(And yes, there is a boatload of, “I need” in the previous groupings of letters.
Here’s how it works though:
In the midst of, “I need,” you will get.
Connection happens there.)